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The Daisy/Andersen(by Jean Hersholt)翻訳7

Hersholt was born in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jean Hersholt.
Jean Pierre Hersholt (12 July 1886 ? 2 June 1956) was a Danish-born actor who lived in the United States, where he was a leading film and radio talent, best known for his 17 years starring on radio in Dr. Christian and for playing Shirley Temple's grandfather in Heidi.[2] Asked how to pronounce his name, he told The Literary Digest, "In English, her'sholt; in Danish, hairs'hult." Of his total credits, 75 were silent films and 65 were sound films (140 total); he directed four.

..From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia..

The Daisy
A translation of Hans Christian Andersen's
"Gaaseurten" by Jean Hersholt.

Now listen to this! Out in the country, close by the side of the road, there stood a country house;you yourself have certainly seen many just like it.In front of it was a little flower garden, with a painted fence around it. Close by the fence, in the midst of the most beautiful green grass beside a ditch, there grew a little daisy.The sun shone just as warmly and brightly on her as on the beautiful flowers inside the garden, and so she grew every hour. Until at last one morning she was in full bloom, with shining white petals spreading like rays around the little yellow sun in the center.


The daisy didn't think that she was a little despised flower that nobody would notice down there in the grass. No, indeed! She was a merry little daisy as she looked up at the warm sun and listened to the lark singing high in the sky.Yes, the little daisy was as happy as if this were a grand holiday, yet it was only a Monday, and all the children were in school. While they sat on their benches, learning things, the daisy sat on her little green stalk and learned from the warm sun and everything about her just how good God is.
The daisy couldn't talk, but high above her the lark sang loudly and beautifully all the things that the little flower felt, and that made the daisy very glad. The daisy looked up at the happy bird who could sing and fly, but she wasn't envious because she couldn't do those fine things, too.

"I can see and hear," the daisy thought, "and the sun shines on me and the forest kisses me. How gifted I am!"

21:12 2015/10/29木曜日



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