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How Did Lightning Kill More Than 300 Reindeer?1翻訳

New York Times 
How Did Lightning Kill More Than 300 Reindeer?

Somewhere Santa is mourning.

More than 300 reindeer were found dead in Norway on Friday, their bodies sprawled across a hillside on the Hardangervidda mountain plateau.
金曜日、3OO頭以上のトナカイが死んでいるのが発見された。彼らの体は、 Hardangervidda mountain高原の至る所に、手足を投げ出して横たわっていた。

Experts say that lightning most likely caused the grisly sight. But for many people who have seen images and video of the eerie scene that answer has raised some suspicion.専門家は、稲妻に非常に似通ったものが、空恐ろしい光景の原因だ。しかし不気味な現場の情景やヴィデオを目にした多くの人々にとって、その答えは、或る疑念を強くする事になった。

22:46 2016/08/31水

How could a lightning strike create so many casualties?

“Lightning does not strike a point, it strikes an area,” said John Jensenius, a lightning safety specialist with the National Weather Service. “The physical flash you see strikes a point, but that lightning is radiating out as ground current and it’s very deadly.”

It’s possible that a single bolt could have hit one or two reindeer directly, he said, but the majority of the carnage was caused by ground current. When the electric discharge touches down it spreads out in search of places to travel.The reindeer, with their four hooves on the grass, presented potential pathways where that current could flow.

“The electricity would go up one leg of the body and stop the heart and go down and out another leg,” he said. “In an instant, of course.”

The same thing can and does happen to humans, Mr. Jensenius said, but animals are particularly vulnerable because they have more legs and their legs are further apart. The greater the distance between two legs, the greater the chance that electricity will try to flow through them, and the stronger that charge will be.

Though the reindeer were in a herd when they died they did not have to be touching to get electrocuted. They only had to be touching the ground within an area about 160 to 260 feet in diameter from where the strike or strikes hit. The 323 reindeer most likely dropped dead from cardiac arrest where they stood and did not go flying in the air, like in some movies. Mr. Jensenius said that it’s likely the lightning would have struck that location whether the reindeer were there or not.

He added that this case is unusual because of the large number of reindeer that were killed, but that it isn’t uncommon for livestock to be felled by lightning. The most cattle ever killed by lightning is 68 according to the Guinness World Record. There are also reports of lightning apparently striking many types of animals, including 53 pigs and 143 goats in China, 16 bulls in Scotland, a giraffe at Disney World, and even one historical account of two bolts killing 654 sheep in Utah.

Lightning is dangerous to people as well, and in June of this year more than 70 people in India were killed by lightning.

Mr. Jensenius said that we can learn from reindeer’s misfortune.

“It should be a lesson to the people as to what can happen in a thunderstorm,” he said. “When thunder roars, go indoors.”


Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio14翻訳

New Yok Tmes

Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio

The premise of The Daily Beast article was simple: The Olympics are a “hotbed of partying athletes, hookups, and sex, sex, sex.”

So the reporter Nico Hines―a straight man who is married and has one child―headed to the Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro seeking dates using various apps.

21:55 2016/08/14日

He gained three in a single hour, and in an article published on Thursday went on to describe in detail the responses he received on Grindr, the gay dating app. No names were mentioned, but the article was so detailed, it was not hard to guess the identities of the men he had contacted, and not all of them were from gay-friendly countries.
彼はたかが一時間でこれをものにし、彼が、ゲイ デイトゥアプリ、Grindrで受け取った返答を、火曜日に出した或る記事の中で詳細に説明しようとした。名前には全く触れずに、その記事は、非常に詳しく彼が連絡を取った男達の身元を推測する事は、難しくはなく、しかも、彼らの内の誰もが、ゲイに甘い国出身という訳ではなかった。

22:39 2016/08/15月

The story was quickly condemned on social media. After trying to smooth things over with a revised story and an editor’s note, The Daily Beast changed course on Thursday night and took the unusual step of pulling the story entirely.

23:57 2016/08/16火

“Our hope is that removing an article that is in conflict with both our values and what we aspire to as journalists will demonstrate how seriously we take our error,” according to an editors’ note that went up in place of the story. “We were wrong. We will do better.”

22:45 2016/08/17水

In an earlier note, after the story was revised in response to the barrage of criticism, The Daily Beast’s editor in chief, John Avlon, said editors had removed details that might identify the athletes. He also responded to complaints that Mr. Hines’s original article mocked or shamed the athletes who responded to Mr. Hines’s overtures on Grindr.

21:22 2016/08/18木

“We do not feel he did this in any way,” he said.

Mr. Avlon said that Mr. Hines received more invitations on Grindr than on straight dating apps and that “he never claimed to be anyone he was not, did not offer anything to anyone, and immediately admitted that he was a journalist whenever he was asked who he was.”

21:59 2016/08/19金

But at 9 p.m., the article and the original editor’s note were gone, and replaced with a note describing how the organization took the “unprecedented but necessary step” of removing the entire article.

“The Daily Beast does not do this lightly,” the note said. “Our initial reaction was that the entire removal of the piece was not necessary. We were wrong.”

20:45 2016/08/20土

The note said the article was not intended “to do harm or degrade members of the LGBT community, but intent doesn’t matter, impact does.”
短信は、語った。記事は、 「LGBTコミュニティーのメンバーを傷付けるつもりも侮辱するつもりもなかったが、意図が問題なのではなく、影響が問題だ。」

Mr. Avlon and The Daily Beast’s executive editor, Noah Shachtman, both shared the new editors’ note on Twitter, expressing regret.
エイヴロン氏とザ・デイリ―・ビストゥの幹部編集者、Noah Shachtman、の両氏は、共に、トゥイッタ―上で新しい編集者の短信を悔恨の表明とした。

23:41 2016/08/21日

Mr. Hines, reached by email before the article was removed, declined to comment on Thursday night.

In the article, he described what he encountered: profiles of athletes competing in various events, including an individual “from a notoriously homophobic country”; photos of Olympic bedspreads; and a frank exchange with one user.

The article drew significant backlash from gay leaders and athletes.

23:47 2016/08/22月

Sarah Kate Ellis, the president and chief executive of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, said on Twitter: “Thoughtless @thedailybeast piece puts LGBT athletes in danger. It should be removed & replaced w a real story about violence LGBT ppl(People)face.”

21:43 2016/08/24水

Amini Fonua, a swimmer from Tonga who is competing in Rio and who is openly gay, said the article was “deplorable.”

He wrote on Twitter: “It is still illegal to be gay in Tonga, and while I’m strong enough to be me in front of the world, not everybody else is. Respect that.”

21:48 2016/08/27土

Robert Drechsel, who retired last week as the James E. Burgess Chair in Journalism Ethics and director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, described the article as “thoughtless, insensitive and unethical.”

23:58 2016/08/28日

He said it was good that the article had been removed but that it came too late.

“It’s hard to find the words to describe,” he said. “Why in the world ? why in the world of journalism ? would anyone do this?”

23:00 2016/08/29月

Amini Fonua

Imagine the one space you can feel safe, the one space you're able to be yourself, ruined by a straight person who thinks it's all a joke?

5:48 AM - 12 Aug 2016 · Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Brazil


No straight person will ever know the pain of revealing your truth, to take that away is just... I can't. It literally brings me to tears

5:56 AM - 12 Aug 2016 · Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Brazil


21:05 2016/08/30火


Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio13翻訳

New Yok Tmes

Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio

The premise of The Daily Beast article was simple: The Olympics are a “hotbed of partying athletes, hookups, and sex, sex, sex.”

So the reporter Nico Hines―a straight man who is married and has one child―headed to the Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro seeking dates using various apps.

21:55 2016/08/14日

He gained three in a single hour, and in an article published on Thursday went on to describe in detail the responses he received on Grindr, the gay dating app. No names were mentioned, but the article was so detailed, it was not hard to guess the identities of the men he had contacted, and not all of them were from gay-friendly countries.
彼はたかが一時間でこれをものにし、彼が、ゲイ デイトゥアプリ、Grindrで受け取った返答を、火曜日に出した或る記事の中で詳細に説明しようとした。名前には全く触れずに、その記事は、非常に詳しく彼が連絡を取った男達の身元を推測する事は、難しくはなく、しかも、彼らの内の誰もが、ゲイに甘い国出身という訳ではなかった。

22:39 2016/08/15月

The story was quickly condemned on social media. After trying to smooth things over with a revised story and an editor’s note, The Daily Beast changed course on Thursday night and took the unusual step of pulling the story entirely.

23:57 2016/08/16火

“Our hope is that removing an article that is in conflict with both our values and what we aspire to as journalists will demonstrate how seriously we take our error,” according to an editors’ note that went up in place of the story. “We were wrong. We will do better.”

22:45 2016/08/17水

In an earlier note, after the story was revised in response to the barrage of criticism, The Daily Beast’s editor in chief, John Avlon, said editors had removed details that might identify the athletes. He also responded to complaints that Mr. Hines’s original article mocked or shamed the athletes who responded to Mr. Hines’s overtures on Grindr.

21:22 2016/08/18木

“We do not feel he did this in any way,” he said.

Mr. Avlon said that Mr. Hines received more invitations on Grindr than on straight dating apps and that “he never claimed to be anyone he was not, did not offer anything to anyone, and immediately admitted that he was a journalist whenever he was asked who he was.”

21:59 2016/08/19金

But at 9 p.m., the article and the original editor’s note were gone, and replaced with a note describing how the organization took the “unprecedented but necessary step” of removing the entire article.

“The Daily Beast does not do this lightly,” the note said. “Our initial reaction was that the entire removal of the piece was not necessary. We were wrong.”

20:45 2016/08/20土

The note said the article was not intended “to do harm or degrade members of the LGBT community, but intent doesn’t matter, impact does.”
短信は、語った。記事は、 「LGBTコミュニティーのメンバーを傷付けるつもりも侮辱するつもりもなかったが、意図が問題なのではなく、影響が問題だ。」

Mr. Avlon and The Daily Beast’s executive editor, Noah Shachtman, both shared the new editors’ note on Twitter, expressing regret.
エイヴロン氏とザ・デイリ―・ビストゥの幹部編集者、Noah Shachtman、の両氏は、共に、トゥイッタ―上で新しい編集者の短信を悔恨の表明とした。

23:41 2016/08/21日

Mr. Hines, reached by email before the article was removed, declined to comment on Thursday night.

In the article, he described what he encountered: profiles of athletes competing in various events, including an individual “from a notoriously homophobic country”; photos of Olympic bedspreads; and a frank exchange with one user.

The article drew significant backlash from gay leaders and athletes.

23:47 2016/08/22月

Sarah Kate Ellis, the president and chief executive of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, said on Twitter: “Thoughtless @thedailybeast piece puts LGBT athletes in danger. It should be removed & replaced w a real story about violence LGBT ppl(People)face.”

21:43 2016/08/24水

Amini Fonua, a swimmer from Tonga who is competing in Rio and who is openly gay, said the article was “deplorable.”

He wrote on Twitter: “It is still illegal to be gay in Tonga, and while I’m strong enough to be me in front of the world, not everybody else is. Respect that.”

21:48 2016/08/27土

Robert Drechsel, who retired last week as the James E. Burgess Chair in Journalism Ethics and director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, described the article as “thoughtless, insensitive and unethical.”

23:58 2016/08/28日

He said it was good that the article had been removed but that it came too late.

“It’s hard to find the words to describe,” he said. “Why in the world ? why in the world of journalism ? would anyone do this?”

23:00 2016/08/29月


Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio12翻訳

New Yok Tmes

Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio

The premise of The Daily Beast article was simple: The Olympics are a “hotbed of partying athletes, hookups, and sex, sex, sex.”

So the reporter Nico Hines―a straight man who is married and has one child―headed to the Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro seeking dates using various apps.

21:55 2016/08/14日

He gained three in a single hour, and in an article published on Thursday went on to describe in detail the responses he received on Grindr, the gay dating app. No names were mentioned, but the article was so detailed, it was not hard to guess the identities of the men he had contacted, and not all of them were from gay-friendly countries.
彼はたかが一時間でこれをものにし、彼が、ゲイ デイトゥアプリ、Grindrで受け取った返答を、火曜日に出した或る記事の中で詳細に説明しようとした。名前には全く触れずに、その記事は、非常に詳しく彼が連絡を取った男達の身元を推測する事は、難しくはなく、しかも、彼らの内の誰もが、ゲイに甘い国出身という訳ではなかった。

22:39 2016/08/15月

The story was quickly condemned on social media. After trying to smooth things over with a revised story and an editor’s note, The Daily Beast changed course on Thursday night and took the unusual step of pulling the story entirely.

23:57 2016/08/16火

“Our hope is that removing an article that is in conflict with both our values and what we aspire to as journalists will demonstrate how seriously we take our error,” according to an editors’ note that went up in place of the story. “We were wrong. We will do better.”

22:45 2016/08/17水

In an earlier note, after the story was revised in response to the barrage of criticism, The Daily Beast’s editor in chief, John Avlon, said editors had removed details that might identify the athletes. He also responded to complaints that Mr. Hines’s original article mocked or shamed the athletes who responded to Mr. Hines’s overtures on Grindr.

21:22 2016/08/18木

“We do not feel he did this in any way,” he said.

Mr. Avlon said that Mr. Hines received more invitations on Grindr than on straight dating apps and that “he never claimed to be anyone he was not, did not offer anything to anyone, and immediately admitted that he was a journalist whenever he was asked who he was.”

21:59 2016/08/19金

But at 9 p.m., the article and the original editor’s note were gone, and replaced with a note describing how the organization took the “unprecedented but necessary step” of removing the entire article.

“The Daily Beast does not do this lightly,” the note said. “Our initial reaction was that the entire removal of the piece was not necessary. We were wrong.”

20:45 2016/08/20土

The note said the article was not intended “to do harm or degrade members of the LGBT community, but intent doesn’t matter, impact does.”
短信は、語った。記事は、 「LGBTコミュニティーのメンバーを傷付けるつもりも侮辱するつもりもなかったが、意図が問題なのではなく、影響が問題だ。」

Mr. Avlon and The Daily Beast’s executive editor, Noah Shachtman, both shared the new editors’ note on Twitter, expressing regret.
エイヴロン氏とザ・デイリ―・ビストゥの幹部編集者、Noah Shachtman、の両氏は、共に、トゥイッタ―上で新しい編集者の短信を悔恨の表明とした。

23:41 2016/08/21日

Mr. Hines, reached by email before the article was removed, declined to comment on Thursday night.

In the article, he described what he encountered: profiles of athletes competing in various events, including an individual “from a notoriously homophobic country”; photos of Olympic bedspreads; and a frank exchange with one user.

The article drew significant backlash from gay leaders and athletes.

23:47 2016/08/22月

Sarah Kate Ellis, the president and chief executive of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, said on Twitter: “Thoughtless @thedailybeast piece puts LGBT athletes in danger. It should be removed & replaced w a real story about violence LGBT ppl(People)face.”

21:43 2016/08/24水

Amini Fonua, a swimmer from Tonga who is competing in Rio and who is openly gay, said the article was “deplorable.”

He wrote on Twitter: “It is still illegal to be gay in Tonga, and while I’m strong enough to be me in front of the world, not everybody else is. Respect that.”

21:48 2016/08/27土

Robert Drechsel, who retired last week as the James E. Burgess Chair in Journalism Ethics and director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, described the article as “thoughtless, insensitive and unethical.”

23:58 2016/08/28日

He said it was good that the article had been removed but that it came too late.

“It’s hard to find the words to describe,” he said. “Why in the world ? why in the world of journalism ? would anyone do this?”


Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio11翻訳

New Yok Tmes

Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio

The premise of The Daily Beast article was simple: The Olympics are a “hotbed of partying athletes, hookups, and sex, sex, sex.”

So the reporter Nico Hines―a straight man who is married and has one child―headed to the Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro seeking dates using various apps.

21:55 2016/08/14日

He gained three in a single hour, and in an article published on Thursday went on to describe in detail the responses he received on Grindr, the gay dating app. No names were mentioned, but the article was so detailed, it was not hard to guess the identities of the men he had contacted, and not all of them were from gay-friendly countries.
彼はたかが一時間でこれをものにし、彼が、ゲイ デイトゥアプリ、Grindrで受け取った返答を、火曜日に出した或る記事の中で詳細に説明しようとした。名前には全く触れずに、その記事は、非常に詳しく彼が連絡を取った男達の身元を推測する事は、難しくはなく、しかも、彼らの内の誰もが、ゲイに甘い国出身という訳ではなかった。

22:39 2016/08/15月

The story was quickly condemned on social media. After trying to smooth things over with a revised story and an editor’s note, The Daily Beast changed course on Thursday night and took the unusual step of pulling the story entirely.

23:57 2016/08/16火

“Our hope is that removing an article that is in conflict with both our values and what we aspire to as journalists will demonstrate how seriously we take our error,” according to an editors’ note that went up in place of the story. “We were wrong. We will do better.”

22:45 2016/08/17水

In an earlier note, after the story was revised in response to the barrage of criticism, The Daily Beast’s editor in chief, John Avlon, said editors had removed details that might identify the athletes. He also responded to complaints that Mr. Hines’s original article mocked or shamed the athletes who responded to Mr. Hines’s overtures on Grindr.

21:22 2016/08/18木

“We do not feel he did this in any way,” he said.

Mr. Avlon said that Mr. Hines received more invitations on Grindr than on straight dating apps and that “he never claimed to be anyone he was not, did not offer anything to anyone, and immediately admitted that he was a journalist whenever he was asked who he was.”

21:59 2016/08/19金

But at 9 p.m., the article and the original editor’s note were gone, and replaced with a note describing how the organization took the “unprecedented but necessary step” of removing the entire article.

“The Daily Beast does not do this lightly,” the note said. “Our initial reaction was that the entire removal of the piece was not necessary. We were wrong.”

20:45 2016/08/20土

The note said the article was not intended “to do harm or degrade members of the LGBT community, but intent doesn’t matter, impact does.”
短信は、語った。記事は、 「LGBTコミュニティーのメンバーを傷付けるつもりも侮辱するつもりもなかったが、意図が問題なのではなく、影響が問題だ。」

Mr. Avlon and The Daily Beast’s executive editor, Noah Shachtman, both shared the new editors’ note on Twitter, expressing regret.
エイヴロン氏とザ・デイリ―・ビストゥの幹部編集者、Noah Shachtman、の両氏は、共に、トゥイッタ―上で新しい編集者の短信を悔恨の表明とした。

23:41 2016/08/21日

Mr. Hines, reached by email before the article was removed, declined to comment on Thursday night.

In the article, he described what he encountered: profiles of athletes competing in various events, including an individual “from a notoriously homophobic country”; photos of Olympic bedspreads; and a frank exchange with one user.

The article drew significant backlash from gay leaders and athletes.

23:47 2016/08/22月

Sarah Kate Ellis, the president and chief executive of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, said on Twitter: “Thoughtless @thedailybeast piece puts LGBT athletes in danger. It should be removed & replaced w a real story about violence LGBT ppl(People)face.”

21:43 2016/08/24水

Amini Fonua, a swimmer from Tonga who is competing in Rio and who is openly gay, said the article was “deplorable.”

He wrote on Twitter: “It is still illegal to be gay in Tonga, and while I’m strong enough to be me in front of the world, not everybody else is. Respect that.”

21:48 2016/08/27土

Robert Drechsel, who retired last week as the James E. Burgess Chair in Journalism Ethics and director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, described the article as “thoughtless, insensitive and unethical.”

He said it was good that the article had been removed but that it came too late.

“It’s hard to find the words to describe,” he said. “Why in the world ? why in the world of journalism ? would anyone do this?”







22:45 2016/08/26金




*吉田 沙保里
青森県 八戸市出身





Japan Beverage


– 2015/10/02
 【会 長】 福田富昭(日大出身、株式会社ジャパンビバレッジホールディングス(自販機)元代表取締役社長、文部科学省五輪対策チーム 実行委員長)







22:12 2016/08/25木


Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio10翻訳

New Yok Tmes

Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio

The premise of The Daily Beast article was simple: The Olympics are a “hotbed of partying athletes, hookups, and sex, sex, sex.”

So the reporter Nico Hines―a straight man who is married and has one child―headed to the Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro seeking dates using various apps.

21:55 2016/08/14日

He gained three in a single hour, and in an article published on Thursday went on to describe in detail the responses he received on Grindr, the gay dating app. No names were mentioned, but the article was so detailed, it was not hard to guess the identities of the men he had contacted, and not all of them were from gay-friendly countries.
彼はたかが一時間でこれをものにし、彼が、ゲイ デイトゥアプリ、Grindrで受け取った返答を、火曜日に出した或る記事の中で詳細に説明しようとした。名前には全く触れずに、その記事は、非常に詳しく彼が連絡を取った男達の身元を推測する事は、難しくはなく、しかも、彼らの内の誰もが、ゲイに甘い国出身という訳ではなかった。

22:39 2016/08/15月

The story was quickly condemned on social media. After trying to smooth things over with a revised story and an editor’s note, The Daily Beast changed course on Thursday night and took the unusual step of pulling the story entirely.

23:57 2016/08/16火

“Our hope is that removing an article that is in conflict with both our values and what we aspire to as journalists will demonstrate how seriously we take our error,” according to an editors’ note that went up in place of the story. “We were wrong. We will do better.”

22:45 2016/08/17水

In an earlier note, after the story was revised in response to the barrage of criticism, The Daily Beast’s editor in chief, John Avlon, said editors had removed details that might identify the athletes. He also responded to complaints that Mr. Hines’s original article mocked or shamed the athletes who responded to Mr. Hines’s overtures on Grindr.

21:22 2016/08/18木

“We do not feel he did this in any way,” he said.

Mr. Avlon said that Mr. Hines received more invitations on Grindr than on straight dating apps and that “he never claimed to be anyone he was not, did not offer anything to anyone, and immediately admitted that he was a journalist whenever he was asked who he was.”

21:59 2016/08/19金

But at 9 p.m., the article and the original editor’s note were gone, and replaced with a note describing how the organization took the “unprecedented but necessary step” of removing the entire article.

“The Daily Beast does not do this lightly,” the note said. “Our initial reaction was that the entire removal of the piece was not necessary. We were wrong.”

20:45 2016/08/20土

The note said the article was not intended “to do harm or degrade members of the LGBT community, but intent doesn’t matter, impact does.”
短信は、語った。記事は、 「LGBTコミュニティーのメンバーを傷付けるつもりも侮辱するつもりもなかったが、意図が問題なのではなく、影響が問題だ。」

Mr. Avlon and The Daily Beast’s executive editor, Noah Shachtman, both shared the new editors’ note on Twitter, expressing regret.
エイヴロン氏とザ・デイリ―・ビストゥの幹部編集者、Noah Shachtman、の両氏は、共に、トゥイッタ―上で新しい編集者の短信を悔恨の表明とした。

23:41 2016/08/21日

Mr. Hines, reached by email before the article was removed, declined to comment on Thursday night.

In the article, he described what he encountered: profiles of athletes competing in various events, including an individual “from a notoriously homophobic country”; photos of Olympic bedspreads; and a frank exchange with one user.

The article drew significant backlash from gay leaders and athletes.

23:47 2016/08/22月

Sarah Kate Ellis, the president and chief executive of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, said on Twitter: “Thoughtless @thedailybeast piece puts LGBT athletes in danger. It should be removed & replaced w a real story about violence LGBT ppl(People)face.”

21:43 2016/08/24水

Amini Fonua, a swimmer from Tonga who is competing in Rio and who is openly gay, said the article was “deplorable.”

He wrote on Twitter: “It is still illegal to be gay in Tonga, and while I’m strong enough to be me in front of the world, not everybody else is. Respect that.”

Robert Drechsel, who retired last week as the James E. Burgess Chair in Journalism Ethics and director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, described the article as “thoughtless, insensitive and unethical.”

He said it was good that the article had been removed but that it came too late.

“It’s hard to find the words to describe,” he said. “Why in the world ? why in the world of journalism ? would anyone do this?”







2014-10-18 12:52:29NEW !





22:58 2016/08/23火


Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio9翻訳

New Yok Tmes

Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio

The premise of The Daily Beast article was simple: The Olympics are a “hotbed of partying athletes, hookups, and sex, sex, sex.”

So the reporter Nico Hines―a straight man who is married and has one child―headed to the Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro seeking dates using various apps.

21:55 2016/08/14日

He gained three in a single hour, and in an article published on Thursday went on to describe in detail the responses he received on Grindr, the gay dating app. No names were mentioned, but the article was so detailed, it was not hard to guess the identities of the men he had contacted, and not all of them were from gay-friendly countries.
彼はたかが一時間でこれをものにし、彼が、ゲイ デイトゥアプリ、Grindrで受け取った返答を、火曜日に出した或る記事の中で詳細に説明しようとした。名前には全く触れずに、その記事は、非常に詳しく彼が連絡を取った男達の身元を推測する事は、難しくはなく、しかも、彼らの内の誰もが、ゲイに甘い国出身という訳ではなかった。

22:39 2016/08/15月

The story was quickly condemned on social media. After trying to smooth things over with a revised story and an editor’s note, The Daily Beast changed course on Thursday night and took the unusual step of pulling the story entirely.

23:57 2016/08/16火

“Our hope is that removing an article that is in conflict with both our values and what we aspire to as journalists will demonstrate how seriously we take our error,” according to an editors’ note that went up in place of the story. “We were wrong. We will do better.”

22:45 2016/08/17水

In an earlier note, after the story was revised in response to the barrage of criticism, The Daily Beast’s editor in chief, John Avlon, said editors had removed details that might identify the athletes. He also responded to complaints that Mr. Hines’s original article mocked or shamed the athletes who responded to Mr. Hines’s overtures on Grindr.

21:22 2016/08/18木

“We do not feel he did this in any way,” he said.

Mr. Avlon said that Mr. Hines received more invitations on Grindr than on straight dating apps and that “he never claimed to be anyone he was not, did not offer anything to anyone, and immediately admitted that he was a journalist whenever he was asked who he was.”

21:59 2016/08/19金

But at 9 p.m., the article and the original editor’s note were gone, and replaced with a note describing how the organization took the “unprecedented but necessary step” of removing the entire article.

“The Daily Beast does not do this lightly,” the note said. “Our initial reaction was that the entire removal of the piece was not necessary. We were wrong.”

20:45 2016/08/20土

The note said the article was not intended “to do harm or degrade members of the LGBT community, but intent doesn’t matter, impact does.”
短信は、語った。記事は、 「LGBTコミュニティーのメンバーを傷付けるつもりも侮辱するつもりもなかったが、意図が問題なのではなく、影響が問題だ。」

Mr. Avlon and The Daily Beast’s executive editor, Noah Shachtman, both shared the new editors’ note on Twitter, expressing regret.
エイヴロン氏とザ・デイリ―・ビストゥの幹部編集者、Noah Shachtman、の両氏は、共に、トゥイッタ―上で新しい編集者の短信を悔恨の表明とした。

23:41 2016/08/21日

Mr. Hines, reached by email before the article was removed, declined to comment on Thursday night.

In the article, he described what he encountered: profiles of athletes competing in various events, including an individual “from a notoriously homophobic country”; photos of Olympic bedspreads; and a frank exchange with one user.

The article drew significant backlash from gay leaders and athletes.

23:47 2016/08/22月

Sarah Kate Ellis, the president and chief executive of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, said on Twitter: “Thoughtless @thedailybeast piece puts LGBT athletes in danger. It should be removed & replaced w a real story about violence LGBT ppl face.”

Amini Fonua, a swimmer from Tonga who is competing in Rio and who is openly gay, said the article was “deplorable.”

He wrote on Twitter: “It is still illegal to be gay in Tonga, and while I’m strong enough to be me in front of the world, not everybody else is. Respect that.”

Robert Drechsel, who retired last week as the James E. Burgess Chair in Journalism Ethics and director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, described the article as “thoughtless, insensitive and unethical.”

He said it was good that the article had been removed but that it came too late.

“It’s hard to find the words to describe,” he said. “Why in the world ? why in the world of journalism ? would anyone do this?”


Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio8翻訳

New Yok Tmes

Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio

The premise of The Daily Beast article was simple: The Olympics are a “hotbed of partying athletes, hookups, and sex, sex, sex.”

So the reporter Nico Hines―a straight man who is married and has one child―headed to the Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro seeking dates using various apps.

21:55 2016/08/14日

He gained three in a single hour, and in an article published on Thursday went on to describe in detail the responses he received on Grindr, the gay dating app. No names were mentioned, but the article was so detailed, it was not hard to guess the identities of the men he had contacted, and not all of them were from gay-friendly countries.
彼はたかが一時間でこれをものにし、彼が、ゲイ デイトゥアプリ、Grindrで受け取った返答を、火曜日に出した或る記事の中で詳細に説明しようとした。名前には全く触れずに、その記事は、非常に詳しく彼が連絡を取った男達の身元を推測する事は、難しくはなく、しかも、彼らの内の誰もが、ゲイに甘い国出身という訳ではなかった。

22:39 2016/08/15月

The story was quickly condemned on social media. After trying to smooth things over with a revised story and an editor’s note, The Daily Beast changed course on Thursday night and took the unusual step of pulling the story entirely.

23:57 2016/08/16火

“Our hope is that removing an article that is in conflict with both our values and what we aspire to as journalists will demonstrate how seriously we take our error,” according to an editors’ note that went up in place of the story. “We were wrong. We will do better.”

22:45 2016/08/17水

In an earlier note, after the story was revised in response to the barrage of criticism, The Daily Beast’s editor in chief, John Avlon, said editors had removed details that might identify the athletes. He also responded to complaints that Mr. Hines’s original article mocked or shamed the athletes who responded to Mr. Hines’s overtures on Grindr.

21:22 2016/08/18木

“We do not feel he did this in any way,” he said.

Mr. Avlon said that Mr. Hines received more invitations on Grindr than on straight dating apps and that “he never claimed to be anyone he was not, did not offer anything to anyone, and immediately admitted that he was a journalist whenever he was asked who he was.”

21:59 2016/08/19金

But at 9 p.m., the article and the original editor’s note were gone, and replaced with a note describing how the organization took the “unprecedented but necessary step” of removing the entire article.

“The Daily Beast does not do this lightly,” the note said. “Our initial reaction was that the entire removal of the piece was not necessary. We were wrong.”

20:45 2016/08/20土

The note said the article was not intended “to do harm or degrade members of the LGBT community, but intent doesn’t matter, impact does.”
短信は、語った。記事は、 「LGBTコミュニティーのメンバーを傷付けるつもりも侮辱するつもりもなかったが、意図が問題なのではなく、影響が問題だ。」

Mr. Avlon and The Daily Beast’s executive editor, Noah Shachtman, both shared the new editors’ note on Twitter, expressing regret.
エイヴロン氏とザ・デイリ―・ビストゥの幹部編集者、Noah Shachtman、の両氏は、共に、トゥイッタ―上で新しい編集者の短信を悔恨の表明とした。

23:41 2016/08/21日

Mr. Hines, reached by email before the article was removed, declined to comment on Thursday night.

In the article, he described what he encountered: profiles of athletes competing in various events, including an individual “from a notoriously homophobic country”; photos of Olympic bedspreads; and a frank exchange with one user.

The article drew significant backlash from gay leaders and athletes.

Sarah Kate Ellis, the president and chief executive of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, said on Twitter: “Thoughtless @thedailybeast piece puts LGBT athletes in danger. It should be removed & replaced w a real story about violence LGBT ppl face.”

Amini Fonua, a swimmer from Tonga who is competing in Rio and who is openly gay, said the article was “deplorable.”

He wrote on Twitter: “It is still illegal to be gay in Tonga, and while I’m strong enough to be me in front of the world, not everybody else is. Respect that.”

Robert Drechsel, who retired last week as the James E. Burgess Chair in Journalism Ethics and director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, described the article as “thoughtless, insensitive and unethical.”

He said it was good that the article had been removed but that it came too late.

“It’s hard to find the words to describe,” he said. “Why in the world ? why in the world of journalism ? would anyone do this?”


Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio7翻訳

New Yok Tmes

Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio

The premise of The Daily Beast article was simple: The Olympics are a “hotbed of partying athletes, hookups, and sex, sex, sex.”

So the reporter Nico Hines―a straight man who is married and has one child―headed to the Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro seeking dates using various apps.

21:55 2016/08/14日

He gained three in a single hour, and in an article published on Thursday went on to describe in detail the responses he received on Grindr, the gay dating app. No names were mentioned, but the article was so detailed, it was not hard to guess the identities of the men he had contacted, and not all of them were from gay-friendly countries.
彼はたかが一時間でこれをものにし、彼が、ゲイ デイトゥアプリ、Grindrで受け取った返答を、火曜日に出した或る記事の中で詳細に説明しようとした。名前には全く触れずに、その記事は、非常に詳しく彼が連絡を取った男達の身元を推測する事は、難しくはなく、しかも、彼らの内の誰もが、ゲイに甘い国出身という訳ではなかった。

22:39 2016/08/15月

The story was quickly condemned on social media. After trying to smooth things over with a revised story and an editor’s note, The Daily Beast changed course on Thursday night and took the unusual step of pulling the story entirely.

23:57 2016/08/16火

“Our hope is that removing an article that is in conflict with both our values and what we aspire to as journalists will demonstrate how seriously we take our error,” according to an editors’ note that went up in place of the story. “We were wrong. We will do better.”

22:45 2016/08/17水

In an earlier note, after the story was revised in response to the barrage of criticism, The Daily Beast’s editor in chief, John Avlon, said editors had removed details that might identify the athletes. He also responded to complaints that Mr. Hines’s original article mocked or shamed the athletes who responded to Mr. Hines’s overtures on Grindr.

21:22 2016/08/18木

“We do not feel he did this in any way,” he said.

Mr. Avlon said that Mr. Hines received more invitations on Grindr than on straight dating apps and that “he never claimed to be anyone he was not, did not offer anything to anyone, and immediately admitted that he was a journalist whenever he was asked who he was.”

21:59 2016/08/19金

But at 9 p.m., the article and the original editor’s note were gone, and replaced with a note describing how the organization took the “unprecedented but necessary step” of removing the entire article.

“The Daily Beast does not do this lightly,” the note said. “Our initial reaction was that the entire removal of the piece was not necessary. We were wrong.”

20:45 2016/08/20土

The note said the article was not intended “to do harm or degrade members of the LGBT community, but intent doesn’t matter, impact does.”

Mr. Avlon and The Daily Beast’s executive editor, Noah Shachtman, both shared the new editors’ note on Twitter, expressing regret.

Mr. Hines, reached by email before the article was removed, declined to comment on Thursday night.

In the article, he described what he encountered: profiles of athletes competing in various events, including an individual “from a notoriously homophobic country”; photos of Olympic bedspreads; and a frank exchange with one user.

The article drew significant backlash from gay leaders and athletes.

Sarah Kate Ellis, the president and chief executive of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, said on Twitter: “Thoughtless @thedailybeast piece puts LGBT athletes in danger. It should be removed & replaced w a real story about violence LGBT ppl face.”

Amini Fonua, a swimmer from Tonga who is competing in Rio and who is openly gay, said the article was “deplorable.”

He wrote on Twitter: “It is still illegal to be gay in Tonga, and while I’m strong enough to be me in front of the world, not everybody else is. Respect that.”

Robert Drechsel, who retired last week as the James E. Burgess Chair in Journalism Ethics and director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, described the article as “thoughtless, insensitive and unethical.”

He said it was good that the article had been removed but that it came too late.

“It’s hard to find the words to describe,” he said. “Why in the world ? why in the world of journalism ? would anyone do this?”


Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio6翻訳

New Yok Tmes

Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio

The premise of The Daily Beast article was simple: The Olympics are a “hotbed of partying athletes, hookups, and sex, sex, sex.”

So the reporter Nico Hines―a straight man who is married and has one child―headed to the Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro seeking dates using various apps.

21:55 2016/08/14日

He gained three in a single hour, and in an article published on Thursday went on to describe in detail the responses he received on Grindr, the gay dating app. No names were mentioned, but the article was so detailed, it was not hard to guess the identities of the men he had contacted, and not all of them were from gay-friendly countries.
彼はたかが一時間でこれをものにし、彼が、ゲイ デイトゥアプリ、Grindrで受け取った返答を、火曜日に出した或る記事の中で詳細に説明しようとした。名前には全く触れずに、その記事は、非常に詳しく彼が連絡を取った男達の身元を推測する事は、難しくはなく、しかも、彼らの内の誰もが、ゲイに甘い国出身という訳ではなかった。

22:39 2016/08/15月

The story was quickly condemned on social media. After trying to smooth things over with a revised story and an editor’s note, The Daily Beast changed course on Thursday night and took the unusual step of pulling the story entirely.

23:57 2016/08/16火

“Our hope is that removing an article that is in conflict with both our values and what we aspire to as journalists will demonstrate how seriously we take our error,” according to an editors’ note that went up in place of the story. “We were wrong. We will do better.”

22:45 2016/08/17水

In an earlier note, after the story was revised in response to the barrage of criticism, The Daily Beast’s editor in chief, John Avlon, said editors had removed details that might identify the athletes. He also responded to complaints that Mr. Hines’s original article mocked or shamed the athletes who responded to Mr. Hines’s overtures on Grindr.

21:22 2016/08/18木

“We do not feel he did this in any way,” he said.

Mr. Avlon said that Mr. Hines received more invitations on Grindr than on straight dating apps and that “he never claimed to be anyone he was not, did not offer anything to anyone, and immediately admitted that he was a journalist whenever he was asked who he was.”

21:59 2016/08/19金

But at 9 p.m., the article and the original editor’s note were gone, and replaced with a note describing how the organization took the “unprecedented but necessary step” of removing the entire article.

“The Daily Beast does not do this lightly,” the note said. “Our initial reaction was that the entire removal of the piece was not necessary. We were wrong.”

The note said the article was not intended “to do harm or degrade members of the LGBT community, but intent doesn’t matter, impact does.”

Mr. Avlon and The Daily Beast’s executive editor, Noah Shachtman, both shared the new editors’ note on Twitter, expressing regret.

Mr. Hines, reached by email before the article was removed, declined to comment on Thursday night.

In the article, he described what he encountered: profiles of athletes competing in various events, including an individual “from a notoriously homophobic country”; photos of Olympic bedspreads; and a frank exchange with one user.

The article drew significant backlash from gay leaders and athletes.

Sarah Kate Ellis, the president and chief executive of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, said on Twitter: “Thoughtless @thedailybeast piece puts LGBT athletes in danger. It should be removed & replaced w a real story about violence LGBT ppl face.”

Amini Fonua, a swimmer from Tonga who is competing in Rio and who is openly gay, said the article was “deplorable.”

He wrote on Twitter: “It is still illegal to be gay in Tonga, and while I’m strong enough to be me in front of the world, not everybody else is. Respect that.”

Robert Drechsel, who retired last week as the James E. Burgess Chair in Journalism Ethics and director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, described the article as “thoughtless, insensitive and unethical.”

He said it was good that the article had been removed but that it came too late.

“It’s hard to find the words to describe,” he said. “Why in the world ? why in the world of journalism ? would anyone do this?”


Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio5翻訳

New Yok Tmes

Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio

The premise of The Daily Beast article was simple: The Olympics are a “hotbed of partying athletes, hookups, and sex, sex, sex.”

So the reporter Nico Hines―a straight man who is married and has one child―headed to the Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro seeking dates using various apps.

21:55 2016/08/14日

He gained three in a single hour, and in an article published on Thursday went on to describe in detail the responses he received on Grindr, the gay dating app. No names were mentioned, but the article was so detailed, it was not hard to guess the identities of the men he had contacted, and not all of them were from gay-friendly countries.
彼はたかが一時間でこれをものにし、彼が、ゲイ デイトゥアプリ、Grindrで受け取った返答を、火曜日に出した或る記事の中で詳細に説明しようとした。名前には全く触れずに、その記事は、非常に詳しく彼が連絡を取った男達の身元を推測する事は、難しくはなく、しかも、彼らの内の誰もが、ゲイに甘い国出身という訳ではなかった。

22:39 2016/08/15月

The story was quickly condemned on social media. After trying to smooth things over with a revised story and an editor’s note, The Daily Beast changed course on Thursday night and took the unusual step of pulling the story entirely.

23:57 2016/08/16火

“Our hope is that removing an article that is in conflict with both our values and what we aspire to as journalists will demonstrate how seriously we take our error,” according to an editors’ note that went up in place of the story. “We were wrong. We will do better.”

22:45 2016/08/17水

In an earlier note, after the story was revised in response to the barrage of criticism, The Daily Beast’s editor in chief, John Avlon, said editors had removed details that might identify the athletes. He also responded to complaints that Mr. Hines’s original article mocked or shamed the athletes who responded to Mr. Hines’s overtures on Grindr.

21:22 2016/08/18木

“We do not feel he did this in any way,” he said.

Mr. Avlon said that Mr. Hines received more invitations on Grindr than on straight dating apps and that “he never claimed to be anyone he was not, did not offer anything to anyone, and immediately admitted that he was a journalist whenever he was asked who he was.”

But at 9 p.m., the article and the original editor’s note were gone, and replaced with a note describing how the organization took the “unprecedented but necessary step” of removing the entire article.

“The Daily Beast does not do this lightly,” the note said. “Our initial reaction was that the entire removal of the piece was not necessary. We were wrong.”

The note said the article was not intended “to do harm or degrade members of the LGBT community, but intent doesn’t matter, impact does.”

Mr. Avlon and The Daily Beast’s executive editor, Noah Shachtman, both shared the new editors’ note on Twitter, expressing regret.

Mr. Hines, reached by email before the article was removed, declined to comment on Thursday night.

In the article, he described what he encountered: profiles of athletes competing in various events, including an individual “from a notoriously homophobic country”; photos of Olympic bedspreads; and a frank exchange with one user.

The article drew significant backlash from gay leaders and athletes.

Sarah Kate Ellis, the president and chief executive of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, said on Twitter: “Thoughtless @thedailybeast piece puts LGBT athletes in danger. It should be removed & replaced w a real story about violence LGBT ppl face.”

Amini Fonua, a swimmer from Tonga who is competing in Rio and who is openly gay, said the article was “deplorable.”

He wrote on Twitter: “It is still illegal to be gay in Tonga, and while I’m strong enough to be me in front of the world, not everybody else is. Respect that.”

Robert Drechsel, who retired last week as the James E. Burgess Chair in Journalism Ethics and director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, described the article as “thoughtless, insensitive and unethical.”

He said it was good that the article had been removed but that it came too late.

“It’s hard to find the words to describe,” he said. “Why in the world ? why in the world of journalism ? would anyone do this?”


Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio4翻訳

New Yok Tmes

Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio

The premise of The Daily Beast article was simple: The Olympics are a “hotbed of partying athletes, hookups, and sex, sex, sex.”

So the reporter Nico Hines―a straight man who is married and has one child―headed to the Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro seeking dates using various apps.

21:55 2016/08/14日

He gained three in a single hour, and in an article published on Thursday went on to describe in detail the responses he received on Grindr, the gay dating app. No names were mentioned, but the article was so detailed, it was not hard to guess the identities of the men he had contacted, and not all of them were from gay-friendly countries.
彼はたかが一時間でこれをものにし、彼が、ゲイ デイトゥアプリ、Grindrで受け取った返答を、火曜日に出した或る記事の中で詳細に説明しようとした。名前には全く触れずに、その記事は、非常に詳しく彼が連絡を取った男達の身元を推測する事は、難しくはなく、しかも、彼らの内の誰もが、ゲイに甘い国出身という訳ではなかった。

22:39 2016/08/15月

The story was quickly condemned on social media. After trying to smooth things over with a revised story and an editor’s note, The Daily Beast changed course on Thursday night and took the unusual step of pulling the story entirely.

23:57 2016/08/16火

“Our hope is that removing an article that is in conflict with both our values and what we aspire to as journalists will demonstrate how seriously we take our error,” according to an editors’ note that went up in place of the story. “We were wrong. We will do better.”

22:45 2016/08/17水

In an earlier note, after the story was revised in response to the barrage of criticism, The Daily Beast’s editor in chief, John Avlon, said editors had removed details that might identify the athletes. He also responded to complaints that Mr. Hines’s original article mocked or shamed the athletes who responded to Mr. Hines’s overtures on Grindr.

“We do not feel he did this in any way,” he said.

Mr. Avlon said that Mr. Hines received more invitations on Grindr than on straight dating apps and that “he never claimed to be anyone he was not, did not offer anything to anyone, and immediately admitted that he was a journalist whenever he was asked who he was.”

But at 9 p.m., the article and the original editor’s note were gone, and replaced with a note describing how the organization took the “unprecedented but necessary step” of removing the entire article.

“The Daily Beast does not do this lightly,” the note said. “Our initial reaction was that the entire removal of the piece was not necessary. We were wrong.”

The note said the article was not intended “to do harm or degrade members of the LGBT community, but intent doesn’t matter, impact does.”

Mr. Avlon and The Daily Beast’s executive editor, Noah Shachtman, both shared the new editors’ note on Twitter, expressing regret.

Mr. Hines, reached by email before the article was removed, declined to comment on Thursday night.

In the article, he described what he encountered: profiles of athletes competing in various events, including an individual “from a notoriously homophobic country”; photos of Olympic bedspreads; and a frank exchange with one user.

The article drew significant backlash from gay leaders and athletes.

Sarah Kate Ellis, the president and chief executive of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, said on Twitter: “Thoughtless @thedailybeast piece puts LGBT athletes in danger. It should be removed & replaced w a real story about violence LGBT ppl face.”

Amini Fonua, a swimmer from Tonga who is competing in Rio and who is openly gay, said the article was “deplorable.”

He wrote on Twitter: “It is still illegal to be gay in Tonga, and while I’m strong enough to be me in front of the world, not everybody else is. Respect that.”

Robert Drechsel, who retired last week as the James E. Burgess Chair in Journalism Ethics and director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, described the article as “thoughtless, insensitive and unethical.”

He said it was good that the article had been removed but that it came too late.

“It’s hard to find the words to describe,” he said. “Why in the world ? why in the world of journalism ? would anyone do this?”


Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio3翻訳

New Yok Tmes
Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio

The premise of The Daily Beast article was simple: The Olympics are a “hotbed of partying athletes, hookups, and sex, sex, sex.”

So the reporter Nico Hines―a straight man who is married and has one child―headed to the Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro seeking dates using various apps.

21:55 2016/08/14日

He gained three in a single hour, and in an article published on Thursday went on to describe in detail the responses he received on Grindr, the gay dating app. No names were mentioned, but the article was so detailed, it was not hard to guess the identities of the men he had contacted, and not all of them were from gay-friendly countries.
彼はたかが一時間でこれをものにし、彼が、ゲイ デイトゥアプリ、Grindrで受け取った返答を、火曜日に出した或る記事の中で詳細に説明しようとした。名前には全く触れずに、その記事は、非常に詳しく彼が連絡を取った男達の身元を推測する事は、難しくはなく、しかも、彼らの内の誰もが、ゲイに甘い国出身という訳ではなかった。

22:39 2016/08/15月

The story was quickly condemned on social media. After trying to smooth things over with a revised story and an editor’s note, The Daily Beast changed course on Thursday night and took the unusual step of pulling the story entirely.

23:57 2016/08/16火

“Our hope is that removing an article that is in conflict with both our values and what we aspire to as journalists will demonstrate how seriously we take our error,” according to an editors’ note that went up in place of the story. “We were wrong. We will do better.”

In an earlier note, after the story was revised in response to the barrage of criticism, The Daily Beast’s editor in chief, John Avlon, said editors had removed details that might identify the athletes. He also responded to complaints that Mr. Hines’s original article mocked or shamed the athletes who responded to Mr. Hines’s overtures on Grindr.

“We do not feel he did this in any way,” he said.

Mr. Avlon said that Mr. Hines received more invitations on Grindr than on straight dating apps and that “he never claimed to be anyone he was not, did not offer anything to anyone, and immediately admitted that he was a journalist whenever he was asked who he was.”

But at 9 p.m., the article and the original editor’s note were gone, and replaced with a note describing how the organization took the “unprecedented but necessary step” of removing the entire article.

“The Daily Beast does not do this lightly,” the note said. “Our initial reaction was that the entire removal of the piece was not necessary. We were wrong.”

The note said the article was not intended “to do harm or degrade members of the LGBT community, but intent doesn’t matter, impact does.”

Mr. Avlon and The Daily Beast’s executive editor, Noah Shachtman, both shared the new editors’ note on Twitter, expressing regret.

Mr. Hines, reached by email before the article was removed, declined to comment on Thursday night.

In the article, he described what he encountered: profiles of athletes competing in various events, including an individual “from a notoriously homophobic country”; photos of Olympic bedspreads; and a frank exchange with one user.

The article drew significant backlash from gay leaders and athletes.

Sarah Kate Ellis, the president and chief executive of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, said on Twitter: “Thoughtless @thedailybeast piece puts LGBT athletes in danger. It should be removed & replaced w a real story about violence LGBT ppl face.”

Amini Fonua, a swimmer from Tonga who is competing in Rio and who is openly gay, said the article was “deplorable.”

He wrote on Twitter: “It is still illegal to be gay in Tonga, and while I’m strong enough to be me in front of the world, not everybody else is. Respect that.”

Robert Drechsel, who retired last week as the James E. Burgess Chair in Journalism Ethics and director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, described the article as “thoughtless, insensitive and unethical.”

He said it was good that the article had been removed but that it came too late.

“It’s hard to find the words to describe,” he said. “Why in the world ? why in the world of journalism ? would anyone do this?”


Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio2翻訳

New York Times

Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio

The premise of The Daily Beast article was simple: The Olympics are a “hotbed of partying athletes, hookups, and sex, sex, sex.”

So the reporter Nico Hines―a straight man who is married and has one child―headed to the Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro seeking dates using various apps.

21:55 2016/08/14日

He gained three in a single hour, and in an article published on Thursday went on to describe in detail the responses he received on Grindr, the gay dating app. No names were mentioned, but the article was so detailed, it was not hard to guess the identities of the men he had contacted, and not all of them were from gay-friendly countries.
彼はたかが一時間でこれをものにし、彼が、ゲイ デイトゥアプリ、Grindrで受け取った返答を、火曜日に出した或る記事の中で詳細に説明しようとした。名前には全く触れずに、その記事は、非常に詳しく彼が連絡を取った男達の身元を推測する事は、難しくはなく、しかも、彼らの内の誰もが、ゲイに甘い国出身という訳ではなかった。

22:39 2016/08/15月

The story was quickly condemned on social media. After trying to smooth things over with a revised story and an editor’s note, The Daily Beast changed course on Thursday night and took the unusual step of pulling the story entirely.

“Our hope is that removing an article that is in conflict with both our values and what we aspire to as journalists will demonstrate how seriously we take our error,” according to an editors’ note that went up in place of the story. “We were wrong. We will do better.”

In an earlier note, after the story was revised in response to the barrage of criticism, The Daily Beast’s editor in chief, John Avlon, said editors had removed details that might identify the athletes. He also responded to complaints that Mr. Hines’s original article mocked or shamed the athletes who responded to Mr. Hines’s overtures on Grindr.

“We do not feel he did this in any way,” he said.

Mr. Avlon said that Mr. Hines received more invitations on Grindr than on straight dating apps and that “he never claimed to be anyone he was not, did not offer anything to anyone, and immediately admitted that he was a journalist whenever he was asked who he was.”

But at 9 p.m., the article and the original editor’s note were gone, and replaced with a note describing how the organization took the “unprecedented but necessary step” of removing the entire article.

“The Daily Beast does not do this lightly,” the note said. “Our initial reaction was that the entire removal of the piece was not necessary. We were wrong.”

The note said the article was not intended “to do harm or degrade members of the LGBT community, but intent doesn’t matter, impact does.”

Mr. Avlon and The Daily Beast’s executive editor, Noah Shachtman, both shared the new editors’ note on Twitter, expressing regret.

Mr. Hines, reached by email before the article was removed, declined to comment on Thursday night.

In the article, he described what he encountered: profiles of athletes competing in various events, including an individual “from a notoriously homophobic country”; photos of Olympic bedspreads; and a frank exchange with one user.

The article drew significant backlash from gay leaders and athletes.

Sarah Kate Ellis, the president and chief executive of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, said on Twitter: “Thoughtless @thedailybeast piece puts LGBT athletes in danger. It should be removed & replaced w a real story about violence LGBT ppl face.”

Amini Fonua, a swimmer from Tonga who is competing in Rio and who is openly gay, said the article was “deplorable.”

He wrote on Twitter: “It is still illegal to be gay in Tonga, and while I’m strong enough to be me in front of the world, not everybody else is. Respect that.”

Robert Drechsel, who retired last week as the James E. Burgess Chair in Journalism Ethics and director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, described the article as “thoughtless, insensitive and unethical.”

He said it was good that the article had been removed but that it came too late.

“It’s hard to find the words to describe,” he said. “Why in the world ? why in the world of journalism ? would anyone do this?”


Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio1翻訳

New York Times

Daily Beast Removes Article on Gay Olympians in Rio

The premise of The Daily Beast article was simple: The Olympics are a “hotbed of partying athletes, hookups, and sex, sex, sex.”

So the reporter Nico Hines―a straight man who is married and has one child―headed to the Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro seeking dates using various apps.

21:55 2016/08/14日

He gained three in a single hour, and in an article published on Thursday went on to describe in detail the responses he received on Grindr, the gay dating app. No names were mentioned, but the article was so detailed, it was not hard to guess the identities of the men he had contacted, and not all of them were from gay-friendly countries.

The story was quickly condemned on social media. After trying to smooth things over with a revised story and an editor’s note, The Daily Beast changed course on Thursday night and took the unusual step of pulling the story entirely.

“Our hope is that removing an article that is in conflict with both our values and what we aspire to as journalists will demonstrate how seriously we take our error,” according to an editors’ note that went up in place of the story. “We were wrong. We will do better.”

In an earlier note, after the story was revised in response to the barrage of criticism, The Daily Beast’s editor in chief, John Avlon, said editors had removed details that might identify the athletes. He also responded to complaints that Mr. Hines’s original article mocked or shamed the athletes who responded to Mr. Hines’s overtures on Grindr.

“We do not feel he did this in any way,” he said.

Mr. Avlon said that Mr. Hines received more invitations on Grindr than on straight dating apps and that “he never claimed to be anyone he was not, did not offer anything to anyone, and immediately admitted that he was a journalist whenever he was asked who he was.”

But at 9 p.m., the article and the original editor’s note were gone, and replaced with a note describing how the organization took the “unprecedented but necessary step” of removing the entire article.

“The Daily Beast does not do this lightly,” the note said. “Our initial reaction was that the entire removal of the piece was not necessary. We were wrong.”

The note said the article was not intended “to do harm or degrade members of the LGBT community, but intent doesn’t matter, impact does.”

Mr. Avlon and The Daily Beast’s executive editor, Noah Shachtman, both shared the new editors’ note on Twitter, expressing regret.

Mr. Hines, reached by email before the article was removed, declined to comment on Thursday night.

In the article, he described what he encountered: profiles of athletes competing in various events, including an individual “from a notoriously homophobic country”; photos of Olympic bedspreads; and a frank exchange with one user.

The article drew significant backlash from gay leaders and athletes.

Sarah Kate Ellis, the president and chief executive of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, said on Twitter: “Thoughtless @thedailybeast piece puts LGBT athletes in danger. It should be removed & replaced w a real story about violence LGBT ppl face.”

Amini Fonua, a swimmer from Tonga who is competing in Rio and who is openly gay, said the article was “deplorable.”

He wrote on Twitter: “It is still illegal to be gay in Tonga, and while I’m strong enough to be me in front of the world, not everybody else is. Respect that.”

Robert Drechsel, who retired last week as the James E. Burgess Chair in Journalism Ethics and director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, described the article as “thoughtless, insensitive and unethical.”

He said it was good that the article had been removed but that it came too late.

“It’s hard to find the words to describe,” he said. “Why in the world ? why in the world of journalism ? would anyone do this?”




22:35 2016/08/13土




夢は夜ひらく/一青窈・三上寛 は、いちじるしいちょさくけんしんがい。


22:34 2016/08/16火


Gone Insane2/Lusius翻訳

Gone Insane

Lucius - Gone Insane [Official Video] from PIASGermany on Vimeo.

My stomach's turning my head is in my hands don't know where this ends
My fists are clenched and I'm so angry with you
You say that I'm the one who's gone insane
Oh I'll just be the one who's gone insane

My heart's so heavy I'm gonna need your help
Losing my grip while holding everything else
My fists are clenched and I'm so angry with myself
The time we share is in the suffering
We're all alone in this togetherness

Go on call me the one who's gone insane
Oh I will be the one who's gone insane
Go on call me the one who's gone insane
Cause I will be the one who's gone insane

My vision's cloudy can't seem to find my way around the what's been said
You're throwing words like darts at my head
I've been your target many times before
I don't even feel them anymore

You can't call me the one who's gone insane
Cause we know you're the one who's gone insane
Go on call me the one who's gone insane
Oh I will be the one who's gone insane

I'm not the only one to blame, no
I'm not the only one to blame, no
I'm not the only one to blame, just keep calling me insane

Oh I'm the one who's gone insane
Oh I must be the one who's gone insane
Go on call me the one who's gone insane
Oh I can be the one who's gone insane

21:57 2016/08/11木


Gone Insane1/Lusius翻訳

Gone Insane

Lucius - Gone Insane [Official Video] from PIASGermany on Vimeo.

My stomach's turning my head is in my hands don't know where this ends
My fists are clenched and I'm so angry with you
You say that I'm the one who's gone insane
Oh I'll just be the one who's gone insane

My heart's so heavy I'm gonna need your help
Losing my grip while holding everything else
My fists are clenched and I'm so angry with myself
The time we share is in the suffering
We're all alone in this togetherness

Go on call me the one who's gone insane
Oh I will be the one who's gone insane
Go on call me the one who's gone insane
Cause I will be the one who's gone insane

My vision's cloudy can't seem to find my way around the what's been said
You're throwing words like darts at my head
I've been your target many times before
I don't even feel them anymore

You can't call me the one who's gone insane
Cause we know you're the one who's gone insane
Go on call me the one who's gone insane
Oh I will be the one who's gone insane

I'm not the only one to blame, no
I'm not the only one to blame, no
I'm not the only one to blame, just keep calling me insane

Oh I'm the one who's gone insane
Oh I must be the one who's gone insane
Go on call me the one who's gone insane
Oh I can be the one who's gone insane


The Face of Taiwan’s Past Is Slowly Fading From View3翻訳

New York Times
What in the World

The Face of Taiwan’s Past Is Slowly Fading From View3

You used to see Chiang Kai-shek’s image everywhere in Taiwan. But lately, the man who led the Republic of China for nearly half a century has gradually been disappearing from view.

In recent years, statues and busts of Mr. Chiang, who died in 1975, have been removed from prominent locations in scores of parks, schools and government buildings all over the island.

These days in Yongkang Park, near where I once lived in central Taipei, one of the statues is hidden in a corner beside a tree. I walked past him regularly for several months before noticing he was even there.

20:36 2016/08/07日

Mr. Chiang fled to Taiwan in 1949 after being defeated by Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist forces in a civil war. Mr. Chiang and his Chinese Nationalist party, or Kuomintang, dominated the island for decades, leading Taiwan as the last remnant of pre-communist China. Today, he is seen by many on the island as an embodiment of authoritarianism, and the diminution of his image has been a symbol of political transformation.

The island began to democratize in the 1980s and ’90s, and the campaign to remove Mr. Chiang’s once-ubiquitous image picked up steam when Chen Shui-bian of the Democratic Progressive Party was president from 2000 to 2008.

21:50 2016/08/08月

Where do the Chiang statues go? More than 200 of them have been moved to a park near his mausoleum in Taoyuan County in northern Taiwan. But thousands still remain in place across the island, including a seated bronze at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in central Taipei. An honor guard keeps an eye on that one, but elsewhere, others are sometimes the targets of graffiti artists ? especially on Feb. 28 of each year, the anniversary of a 1947 massacre of Taiwanese civilians by Kuomintang troops.

23:40 2016/08/09火

Follow Austin Ramzy on Twitter @austinramzy.


The Face of Taiwan’s Past Is Slowly Fading From View2翻訳

New York Tmes

What in the World

You used to see Chiang Kai-shek’s image everywhere in Taiwan. But lately, the man who led the Republic of China for nearly half a century has gradually been disappearing from view.

In recent years, statues and busts of Mr. Chiang, who died in 1975, have been removed from prominent locations in scores of parks, schools and government buildings all over the island.

These days in Yongkang Park, near where I once lived in central Taipei, one of the statues is hidden in a corner beside a tree. I walked past him regularly for several months before noticing he was even there.

20:36 2016/08/07日

Mr. Chiang fled to Taiwan in 1949 after being defeated by Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist forces in a civil war. Mr. Chiang and his Chinese Nationalist party, or Kuomintang, dominated the island for decades, leading Taiwan as the last remnant of pre-communist China. Today, he is seen by many on the island as an embodiment of authoritarianism, and the diminution of his image has been a symbol of political transformation.

The island began to democratize in the 1980s and ’90s, and the campaign to remove Mr. Chiang’s once-ubiquitous image picked up steam when Chen Shui-bian of the Democratic Progressive Party was president from 2000 to 2008.

21:50 2016/08/08月

Where do the Chiang statues go? More than 200 of them have been moved to a park near his mausoleum in Taoyuan County in northern Taiwan. But thousands still remain in place across the island, including a seated bronze at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in central Taipei. An honor guard keeps an eye on that one, but elsewhere, others are sometimes the targets of graffiti artists ? especially on Feb. 28 of each year, the anniversary of a 1947 massacre of Taiwanese civilians by Kuomintang troops.

Follow Austin Ramzy on Twitter @austinramzy.