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My Lost City17/Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald

My Lost City

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald

There was first the ferry boat moving softly from the Jersey shore at dawn―the moment crystallized into my first symbol of New York. Five years later when I was fifteen I went into the city from school to see Ina Claire in The Quaker Girl and Gertrude Bryan in Little Boy Blue. Confused by my hopeless and melancholy love for them both, I was unable to choose between them一so they blurred into one lovely entity, the girl. She was my second symbol of New York. The ferry boat stood for triumph, the girl for romance. In time I was to achieve some of both, but there was a third symbol that I have lost somewhere, and lost for ever.

I found it on a dark April afternoon after five more years. 

'Oh, Bunny,' I yelled. 'Bunny!' 

初めに、ジ+ージー海岸から、夜明けに音もなく滑り出すフェリーボウトゥがあった。一 その瞬間が、ニュ一・ヨークの僕の最初の象徴として結晶するのだ。五年後、僕が15になった時、ザ クエィカー・ガールの中のアイナ・クレアやザ・リトゥル・ボゥイ・ブルーの中のガートゥルードゥ・ブライアンに会いたくて、僕は、学校から街中(まちなか)に出かけた。彼女達のどちらも追い求める、僕の為す術のない、切なく熱い思いに当惑し、僕は、彼女達の間(はざま)にあって選ぶに選べなかった。一挙句の果て、彼女達は、その娘(むすめ)、一人の魅力的な存在の内に影を潜めた。彼女は、ニュ一・ヨークの僕の二番目の象徴だった。フェリーボウトゥは、成功の姿を、その娘(むすめ)は恋の姿をしていた。その内、僕は、両者の何れかを手に入れる筈だった。が、何処かで見失い、そして永遠に失ってしまった三番目の象微が現れた。



He did not hear me―my taxi lost him, picked him up again half a block down the street. There were black spots of rain on the sidewalk and I saw him walking briskly through the crowd wearing a tan raincoat over his inevitable brown get-up; I noted with a shock that he was carrying a light cane.


“Bunny!” I called again, and stopped. I was still an undergraduate at Princeton while he had become a New Yorker. This was his afternoon walk, this hurry along with his stick through the gathering rain, and as I was not to meet him for an hour it seemed an intrusion to happen upon him engrossed in his private life. But the taxi kept pace with him and as I continued to watch I was impressed: he was no longer the shy little scholar of Holder Court―he walked with confidence, wrapped in his thoughts and looking straight ahead, and it was obvious that his new background was entirely sufficient to him. I knew that he had an apartment where he lived with three other men, released now from all undergraduate taboos, but there was something else that was nourishing him and I got my first impression of that new thing the Metropolitan spirit.

「バニー!」僕はもうー度呼び掛け、そして止めた。彼は、ニューヨーカーに相応しかったが、僕は、末だプリンストンの一学生だった。これは、彼の午後の散歩だ。勢いを増す雨を突き、彼のステッキを持ったこの急ぎ足、それに、僕は、彼にー時間会う予定はなかったので、自らの私生活に専心する彼に偶然出食わした事は、侵害のように思われた。それでもタクシは、歩調を合わせ、僕は、見守り続けるに連れ、自ずと感心した。彼は、もはや、ホゥルダ一・コートゥの内気な目立たない優等生ではなかった。―彼は自信を漲らせて歩いた。思索に耽り、真直ぐ前を見ながら、それに、彼の新しい背景は、彼にはすべからく十分であるのは明らかだった。彼が、他の三人の男と暮らすアパートゥを彼は持ち、今や、あらゆる大学生としての禁制から解放されていると、僕は知った。 何れにせよ、そこには、彼を育んでいる他の何かがあり、僕は、その新しい事実、都会人の気風といった第ー印象を得た。

Up to this time I had seen only the New York that offered itself for inspection - I was Dick Whittington up from the country gaping at the trained bears, or a youth of the Midi dazzled by the boulevards of Paris. I had come only to stare at the show, though the designers of the Woolworth Building and the Chariot Race Sign, the producers of musical comedies and problem plays, could ask for no more appreciative spectator, for I took the style and glitter of New York even above its own valuation. 


But I had never accepted any of the practical anonymous invitations to debutante balls that turned up in an undergraduate's mail, perhaps because I felt that no actuality could live up to my conception of New York's splendour. Moreover, she to whom I fatuously referred as 'my girl'was a Middle Westerner, a fact which kept the warm centre of the world out there, so I thought of New York as essentially cynical and heartless — save for one night when she made luminous the Ritz Roof on a brief passage through.


Lately, however, I had definitely lost her and I wanted a man's world, and this sight of Bunny made me see New York as just that. A week before, Monsignor Fay had taken me to the Lafayette where there was spread before us a brilliant flag of food, called an hors d'oeuvre, and with it we drank claret that was as brave as Bunny's confident cane -but after all it was a restaurant, and afterwards we would drive back over a bridge into the hinterland. 

最近、しかし、僕は確かに彼女が分からなくなってしまった、それに僕は、男の世界が欲しかった。バニーのこの視野は、それ相応のニュー・ヨークを僕に見せた。一週間前、モンシニョール ・フェイは、食物の光り輝く旗、オルドゥーヴルと呼んだ、を僕たちの前に広げてみせるラファイアットゥに僕を連れて行き、僕たちは、それと一緒に、バニーの自信に満ちたステッキと同じくらい恐れを知らぬクラレットゥを飲んだーが結局、それは単なるレストランに他ならず、その後(あと)僕たちは、後背地の中に橋を越えて車で引き返すのだ。

The New York of undergraduate dissipation, of Bustanoby's, Shan-ley's, Jack's, had become a horror, and though I returned to it, alas, through many an alcoholic mist, I felt each time a betrayal of a persistent idealism. My participance was prurient rather than licentious and scarcely one pleasant memory of it remains from those days; as Ernest Hemingway once remarked, the sole purpose of the cabaret is for unattached men to find complaisant women. All the rest is a wasting of time in bad air.


But that night, in Bunny's apartment, life was mellow and safe, a finer distillation of all that I had come to love at Princeton. The gentle playing of an oboe mingled with city noises from the street outside, which penetrated into the room with difficulty through great barricades of books; only the crisp tearing open of invitations by one man was a discordant note. I had found a third symbol of New York and I began wondering about the rent of such apartments and casting about for the appropriate friends to share one with me.


Fat chance - for the next two years I had as much control over my own destiny as a convict over the cut of his clothes. When I got back to New York in 1919 I was so entangled in life that a period of mellow monasticism in Washington Square was not to be dreamed of. The thing was to make enough money in the advertising business to rent a stuffy apartment for two in the Bronx. The girl concerned had never seen New York but she was wise enough to be rather reluctant. And in a haze of anxiety and unhappiness I passed the four most impressionable months of my life.


New York had all the iridescence of the beginning of the world. The returning troops marched up Fifth Avenue and girls were instinctively drawn east and north towards them—we were at last admittedly the most powerful nation and there was gala in the air. As I hovered ghost-like in the Plaza Red Room of a Saturday afternoon, or went to lush and liquid garden parties in the East Sixties or tippled with Princetonians in the Biltmore Bar, I was haunted always by my other life—my drab room in the Bronx, my square foot of the subway, my fixation upon the day's letter from Alabama—would it come and what would it say?—my shabby suits, my poverty, and love. 


While my friends were launching decently into life I had muscled my inadequate bark into midstream. The gilded youth circling around young Constance Bennett in the Club de Vingt, the classmates in the Yale-Princeton Club whooping up our first after-the-war reunion, the atmosphere of the millionaires' houses that I sometimes frequented—these things were empty for me, though I recognized them as impressive scenery and regretted that I was committed to other romance. 


The most hilarious luncheon table or the most moony cabaret—it was all the same; from them I returned eagerly to my home on Claremont Avenue—home because there might be a letter waiting outside the door. One by one my great dreams of New York became tainted. The remembered charm of Bunny's apartment faded with the rest when I interviewed a blowsy landlady in Greenwich Village.She told me I could bring girls to the room, and the idea filled me with dismay—why should I want to bring girls to my room?—I had a girl. 

最も楽しい昼食のテイブル、或いは最も夢心地のキャバレイーそれは、皆同じ、それらから、僕は、クレアモントゥ・アヴェニューの我が家に、熱心に戻った。ーそこには、ドアの外で待つ一通の手紙があった。一つずつ僕のニュー・ヨークの大いなる夢又夢が、腐って行った。バニーのアパートゥメントゥの懐かしい魅力が、グリーンウイッチ・ヴィリッジのだらしない女主人を訪問した時、休息と共に姿を消した。 彼女は、部屋に女たちを連れて行けますよ、と僕に話し、その入れ知恵は、僕を呆れ返らせたーどうして僕が、僕の部屋に女を連れて行きたい?ー僕には女がいる。

I wandered through the town of 127th Street, resenting its vibrant life; or else I bought cheap theatre seats at Gray's drugstore and tried to lose myself for a few hours in my old passion for Broadway. I was a failure—mediocre at advertising work and unable to get started as a writer. Hating the city, I got roaring, weeping drunk on my last penny and went home…


…Incalculable city. What ensued was only one of a thousand success stories of those gaudy days, but it plays a part in my own movie of New York. When I returned six months later the offices of editors and publishers were open to me, impresarios begged plays, the movies panted for screen material. To my bewilderment, I was adopted, not as a Middle Westerner, not even as a detached observer, but as the archetype of what New York wanted. This statement requires some account of the metropolis in 1920.


There was already the tall white city of today, already the feverish activity of the boom, but there was a general inarticulateness. As much as anyone the columnist F.P.A. guessed the pulse of the individual crowd, but shyly, as one watching from a window. Society and the native arts had not mingled—Ellen Mackay was not yet married to Irving Berlin. Many of Peter Arno's people would have been meaningless to the citizen of 1920, and save for F.P.A.'s column there was no forum for metropolitan urbanity.


Then, for just a moment, the “younger generation” idea became a fusion of many elements in New York life. People of fifty might pretend there was still a four hundred, or Maxwell Bodenheim might pretend there was a Bohemia worth its paint and pencils—but the blending of the bright gay, vigorous elements began then, and for the first time there appeared a society a little livelier than the solid mahogany dinner parties of Emily Price Post. If this society produced the cocktail party, it also evolved Park Avenue wit, and for the first time an educated European could envisage a trip to New York as something more amusing than a gold-trek into a formalized Australian Bush.


For just a moment, before it was demonstrated that I was unable to play the role, I, who knew less of New York than any reporter of six months' standing and less of its society than any hall-room boy in a Ritz stag line, was pushed into the position not only of spokesman for the time but of the typical product of that same moment. I, or rather it was “we” now, did not know exactly what New York expected of us and found it rather confusing. Within a few months after our embarkation on the Metropolitan venture we scarcely knew any more who we were and we hadn't a notion what we were. 


A dive into a civic fountain, a casual brush with the law, was enough to get us into the gossip columns, and we were quoted on a variety of subjects we knew nothing about. Actually our “contacts” included half a dozen unmarried college friends and a few new literary acquaintances—I remember a lonesome Christmas when we had not one friend in the city, nor one house we could go to. Finding no nucleus to which we could cling, we became a small nucleus ourselves and gradually we fitted our disruptive personalities into the contemporary scene of New York. Or rather New York forgot us and let us stay.
