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 DOWN in the valley was the village,where Jhon and Mary lived with their Mother and Father in a little cottage and went to school when the bell rang in the schoolhouse on weekdays;and to church when the bells rang in the little church on Sundays. 

  And up on the hill was the great mansion,where the Little Lady lived all by hershelf with her servants,and paced up and down the long flight of stone steps between the cypresses and orange-trees,or walked in her rose-garden,which was loveliest in her world.

  The hill was high and the valley was deep,so people seldom went up or came down;only a silvery river flowed between the high mansion and the low cottages,and seemed to bind them together.   

  When they were out of school,Mary helped her Mother in the kitchen,and she was ten could bake little pies fit for a queen. And John dug in the garden with his Father,and befoe he was twelve could raise cabbages fit for a king.In their free time the children played in the fields with their school-fellows,or paddled in the shallow pools of the river as it flowed down the mddle of the valley.         
  学校を終えると、メァリ一は、台所で彼女のお毋さんの手伝いをしました。そして彼女が十歳になる前には、直ぐにでも妻になれそうな、ささやかなパイが焼けるようになりました。又、ジョンは、彼のお父さんと一緒に、庭でこつこつ働きました。そうして彼が12歳になる前には、大立者に似つかわしく、キャべツを裁培する事が出来るようになりました。暇な時には、子供達は、自分の同級生と運動場で遊びました。そうでなければ川の 浅瀬で、水遊びをしました。それは谷の中程を流れ卞っていたのですが。

  One hot June day as they were splashing in the shallows they saw in the distance two tiny specks
   floating towards them. 
“Here comes the boats!”cried John.
“With red and white sails,”said Mary.
“I’ll have the red one,”said Jhon;and Mary said,“I’ll have the white.”

  But as the tyny craft came nearer,the children saw they were not boats,but roses.
  They had never seen such roses for colour,size,and perfume. Jhon captured the red rose,and Mary the white one,and home they ran with their prizes. 
  彼らは 、こんな色、大きさ、香りのバラを一度も見た事がありません。ジョンは、赤いバラを取りました。そしてメアリ一は、白いのを。それから自分の褒美を持って、急いで家に帰りました。

  When their parents saw the roses,the Father said,“By my Shovel and Hoe! If I could grow roses like that in my garden I'd be a proud man!"And the mother cried,“Dear bless my Cherry Tart!If I could have roses like them in the home I’d be a glad woman!”  

  Then the Father asked,“Where did you get‘em,children?”

  “They came down the river from the top of the hill,”said John.

  “Ah!” sighed the Father.  “Then they came from the Little Lady’s rose-garden,and are not for the likes of us.”

 And he went out to hoe cabbages,while the Mother rolled her paste.

But Jhon and Mary stole out of the cottage,and Jhon said to Mary,

14:29 2014/06/24火曜日