HERE was once a Traveller who had a long way to go.He couldn’t manage to get there by nightfall,so he walked all night.
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.And the Traveller thought there were other things dancing that he couldn't see,as well as flowers and streams and stars and moths and flies and leaves in the night.The wood was quite full of dancing from top to toe,and it was no longer dark,for the moon had hopped out of a cloud,and was gliding all over the sky.
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2?3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。そこで、旅人は、思った。そこには、夜になると、彼には見えない他の踊っているものがいる。花や小川や星や蛾や蝿や木の葉と同じように。その木は、てっぺんから爪先まで、かなりダンスで盛り上がっていた。そしてもう暗くはなかった。月が雲から飛び出したから。そして、空一面、変わって行った。
Long before this the Traveller was dancing too; he danced as he used to when he was ten yeas old,till the tune of the organ was faint to hear.For he had danced his way through the wood and was out in the road,with the lights of the city at the other end,and his way before him.
22:05 2014/10/31金曜日
HERE was once a Traveller who had a long way to go.He couldn’t manage to get there by nightfall,so he walked all night.
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.And the Traveller thought there were other things dancing that he couldn't see,as well as flowers and streams and stars and moths and flies and leaves in the night.The wood was quite full of dancing from top to toe,and it was no longer dark,for the moon had hopped out of a cloud,and was gliding all over the sky.
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2?3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。そこで、旅人は、思った。そこには、夜になると、彼には見えない他の踊っているものがいる。花や小川や星や蛾や蝿や木の葉と同じように。その木は、てっぺんから爪先まで、かなりダンスで盛り上がっていた。そしてもう暗くはなかった。月が雲から飛び出したから。そして、空一面、変わって行った。
Long before this the Traveller was dancing too; he danced as he used to when he was ten yeas old,till the tune of the organ was faint to hear.For he had danced his way through the wood and was out in the road,
22:05 2014/10/30木曜日
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.And the Traveller thought there were other things dancing that he couldn't see,as well as flowers and streams and stars and moths and flies and leaves in the night.The wood was quite full of dancing from top to toe,and it was no longer dark,for the moon had hopped out of a cloud,and was gliding all over the sky.
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2?3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。そこで、旅人は、思った。そこには、夜になると、彼には見えない他の踊っているものがいる。花や小川や星や蛾や蝿や木の葉と同じように。その木は、てっぺんから爪先まで、かなりダンスで盛り上がっていた。そしてもう暗くはなかった。月が雲から飛び出したから。そして、空一面、変わって行った。
Long before this the Traveller was dancing too; he danced as he used to when he was ten yeas old,till the tune of the organ was faint to hear.For he had danced his way through the wood and was out in the road,
22:05 2014/10/30木曜日
HERE was once a Traveller who had a long way to go.He couldn’t manage to get there by nightfall,so he walked all night.
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.And the Traveller thought there were other things dancing that he couldn't see,as well as flowers and streams and stars and moths and flies and leaves in the night.The wood was quite full of dancing from top to toe,and it was no longer dark,for the moon had hopped out of a cloud,and was gliding all over the sky.
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2〜3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。そこで、旅人は、思った。そこには、夜になると、彼には見えない他の踊っているものがいる。花や小川や星や蛾や蝿や木の葉と同じように。その木は、てっぺんから爪先まで、かなりダンスで盛り上がっていた。そしてもう暗くはなかった。月が雲から飛び出したから。そして、空一面、変わって行った。
Long before this the Traveller was dancing too; he danced as he used to when he was ten yeas old,till the tune of the organ was faint to hear.
22:05 2014/10/29水曜日
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.And the Traveller thought there were other things dancing that he couldn't see,as well as flowers and streams and stars and moths and flies and leaves in the night.The wood was quite full of dancing from top to toe,and it was no longer dark,for the moon had hopped out of a cloud,and was gliding all over the sky.
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2〜3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。そこで、旅人は、思った。そこには、夜になると、彼には見えない他の踊っているものがいる。花や小川や星や蛾や蝿や木の葉と同じように。その木は、てっぺんから爪先まで、かなりダンスで盛り上がっていた。そしてもう暗くはなかった。月が雲から飛び出したから。そして、空一面、変わって行った。
Long before this the Traveller was dancing too; he danced as he used to when he was ten yeas old,till the tune of the organ was faint to hear.
22:05 2014/10/29水曜日
HERE was once a Traveller who had a long way to go.He couldn’t manage to get there by nightfall,so he walked all night.
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.And the Traveller thought there were other things dancing that he couldn't see,as well as flowers and streams and stars and moths and flies and leaves in the night.The wood was quite full of dancing from top to toe,and it was no longer dark,for the moon had hopped out of a cloud,and was gliding all over the sky.
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2〜3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。そこで、旅人は、思った。そこには、夜になると、彼には見えない他の踊っているものがいる。花や小川や星や蛾や蝿や木の葉と同じように。その木は、てっぺんから爪先まで、かなりダンスで盛り上がっていた。そしてもう暗くはなかった。月が雲から飛び出したから。そして、空一面、変わって行った。
Long before this the Traveller was dancing too;
22:05 2014/10/28火曜日
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.And the Traveller thought there were other things dancing that he couldn't see,as well as flowers and streams and stars and moths and flies and leaves in the night.The wood was quite full of dancing from top to toe,and it was no longer dark,for the moon had hopped out of a cloud,and was gliding all over the sky.
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2〜3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。そこで、旅人は、思った。そこには、夜になると、彼には見えない他の踊っているものがいる。花や小川や星や蛾や蝿や木の葉と同じように。その木は、てっぺんから爪先まで、かなりダンスで盛り上がっていた。そしてもう暗くはなかった。月が雲から飛び出したから。そして、空一面、変わって行った。
Long before this the Traveller was dancing too;
22:05 2014/10/28火曜日
HERE was once a Traveller who had a long way to go.He couldn’t manage to get there by nightfall,so he walked all night.
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.And the Traveller thought there were other things dancing that he couldn't see,as well as flowers and streams and stars and moths and flies and leaves in the night.The wood was quite full of dancing from top to toe,and it was no longer dark,for the moon had hopped out of a cloud,and was gliding all over the sky.
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2〜3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。そこで、旅人は、思った。そこには、夜になると、彼には見えない他の踊っているものがいる。花や小川や星や蛾や蝿や木の葉と同じように。その木は、てっぺんから爪先まで、かなりダンスで盛り上がっていた。そしてもう暗くはなかった。月が雲から飛び出したから。そして、空一面、変わって行った。
22:05 2014/10/27月曜日
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.And the Traveller thought there were other things dancing that he couldn't see,as well as flowers and streams and stars and moths and flies and leaves in the night.The wood was quite full of dancing from top to toe,and it was no longer dark,for the moon had hopped out of a cloud,and was gliding all over the sky.
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2〜3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。そこで、旅人は、思った。そこには、夜になると、彼には見えない他の踊っているものがいる。花や小川や星や蛾や蝿や木の葉と同じように。その木は、てっぺんから爪先まで、かなりダンスで盛り上がっていた。そしてもう暗くはなかった。月が雲から飛び出したから。そして、空一面、変わって行った。
22:05 2014/10/27月曜日
HERE was once a Traveller who had a long way to go.He couldn’t manage to get there by nightfall,so he walked all night.
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.And the Traveller thought there were other things dancing that he couldn't see,as well as flowers and streams and stars and moths and flies and leaves in the night.The wood was quite full of dancing from top to toe,and it was no longer dark,for the moon had hopped out of a cloud,
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2〜3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。そこで、旅人は、思った。そこには、夜になると、彼には見えない他の踊っているものがいる。花や小川や星や蛾や蝿や木の葉と同じように。その木は、てっぺんから爪先まで、かなりダンスで盛り上がっていた。そしてもう暗くはなかった。月が雲から飛び出したから。
22:05 2014/10/26日曜日
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.And the Traveller thought there were other things dancing that he couldn't see,as well as flowers and streams and stars and moths and flies and leaves in the night.The wood was quite full of dancing from top to toe,and it was no longer dark,for the moon had hopped out of a cloud,
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2〜3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。そこで、旅人は、思った。そこには、夜になると、彼には見えない他の踊っているものがいる。花や小川や星や蛾や蝿や木の葉と同じように。その木は、てっぺんから爪先まで、かなりダンスで盛り上がっていた。そしてもう暗くはなかった。月が雲から飛び出したから。
22:05 2014/10/26日曜日
HERE was once a Traveller who had a long way to go.He couldn’t manage to get there by nightfall,so he walked all night.
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.And the Traveller thought there were other things dancing that he couldn't see,as well as flowers and streams and stars and moths and flies and leaves in the night.The wood was quite full of dancing from top to toe,and it was no longer dark,
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2〜3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。そこで、旅人は、思った。そこには、夜になると、彼には見えない他の踊っているものがいる。花や小川や星や蛾や蝿や木の葉と同じように。その木は、てっぺんから爪先まで、かなりダンスで盛り上がっていた。だからもう暗くはなかった。
22:05 2014/10/25土曜日
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.And the Traveller thought there were other things dancing that he couldn't see,as well as flowers and streams and stars and moths and flies and leaves in the night.The wood was quite full of dancing from top to toe,and it was no longer dark,
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2〜3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。そこで、旅人は、思った。そこには、夜になると、彼には見えない他の踊っているものがいる。花や小川や星や蛾や蝿や木の葉と同じように。その木は、てっぺんから爪先まで、かなりダンスで盛り上がっていた。だからもう暗くはなかった。
22:05 2014/10/25土曜日
HERE was once a Traveller who had a long way to go.He couldn’t manage to get there by nightfall,so he walked all night.
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.And the Traveller thought there were other things dancing that he couldn't see,as well as flowers and streams and stars and moths and flies and leaves in the night.The wood was quite full of dancing from top to toe,
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2〜3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。そこで、旅人は、思った。そこには、夜になると、彼には見えない他の踊っているものがいる。花や小川や星や蛾や蝿や木の葉と同じように。その木は、てっぺんから爪先まで、かなりダンスで盛り上がっていた。
22:05 2014/10/24金曜日
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.And the Traveller thought there were other things dancing that he couldn't see,as well as flowers and streams and stars and moths and flies and leaves in the night.The wood was quite full of dancing from top to toe,
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2〜3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。そこで、旅人は、思った。そこには、夜になると、彼には見えない他の踊っているものがいる。花や小川や星や蛾や蝿や木の葉と同じように。その木は、てっぺんから爪先まで、かなりダンスで盛り上がっていた。
22:05 2014/10/24金曜日
HERE was once a Traveller who had a long way to go.He couldn’t manage to get there by nightfall,so he walked all night.
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.And the Traveller thought there were other things dancing that he couldn't see,as well as flowers and streams and stars and moths and flies and leaves in the night.
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2〜3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。そこで、旅人は、思った。そこには、夜になると、彼には見えない他の踊っているものがいる。花や小川や星や蛾や蝿や木の葉と同じように。
22:05 2014/10/23木曜日
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.And the Traveller thought there were other things dancing that he couldn't see,as well as flowers and streams and stars and moths and flies and leaves in the night.
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2〜3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。そこで、旅人は、思った。そこには、夜になると、彼には見えない他の踊っているものがいる。花や小川や星や蛾や蝿や木の葉と同じように。
22:05 2014/10/23木曜日
HERE was once a Traveller who had a long way to go.He couldn’t manage to get there by nightfall,so he walked all night.
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2〜3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。
22:05 2014/10/22水曜日
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,and that two or three little streams began to run where a moment before they had been still.
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。そして、その2〜3の小川は流れ始めた。ちょっと前には、それは静止していた。
22:05 2014/10/22水曜日
HERE was once a Traveller who had a long way to go.He couldn’t manage to get there by nightfall,so he walked all night.
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。
22:05 2014/10/21火曜日
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,pushing their way in haste through the moss to sway to the tune on their stalks,
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこには、その茎の上で、曲に合わせて揺れる苔を拔けて、急いでその道を前に進もうとする者は、一人も居なかった。
22:05 2014/10/21火曜日
HERE was once a Traveller who had a long way to go.He couldn’t manage to get there by nightfall,so he walked all night.
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこに誰も居なかった
22:05 2014/10/20月曜日
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood where a moment before there had been none,
曲が始まると直ぐに、旅人は、草と葉が前のように ひらひら舞う草と葉に触れた。たちまち宙は、蛾と蛍だらけになり、空は、星でいっぱい。裏通りの子供達のように、ダンスをしに現れる。そして、それは、ちらちらしている星の光によって、その花は、森の中に浮かび上がったように旅人には見えた。ちょっと前には、そこに誰も居なかった
22:05 2014/10/20月曜日
HERE was once a Traveller who had a long way to go.He couldn’t manage to get there by nightfall,so he walked all night.
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood
22:05 2014/10/19日曜日
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars,that flowers came up in the wood
22:05 2014/10/19日曜日
HERE was once a Traveller who had a long way to go.He couldn’t manage to get there by nightfall,so he walked all night.
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars
22:05 2014/10/17金曜日
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street. And it seemed to the Traveller,by the light of the dancing stars
22:05 2014/10/17金曜日
HERE was once a Traveller who had a long way to go.He couldn’t manage to get there by nightfall,so he walked all night.
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street.
22:05 2014/10/17金曜日
His way lay through woods and over hills,where there were no towns and no villages,and not even handses all by themselves.
And as it was a dark night he couldn’t see his way,and after a while he lost it in the middle of a wood.
その上 暗い夜だったから、道が見えなかった、しばらくして、森のど真ん中で、彼は道に迷った。
It was a night as still as it was dark,and he could hear as little as he could see.So for want of company he began to talk to himself.
“What shall I do now?” said the Traveller. “Shall I go on,shall I stop still?If I go on I may go the wrong way,and by morning be further off than ever. Yet if I stop still I shall certainly be no nearer than I am now,and may have seven miles to walk to breakfast.What shall I do now?Supposng I stop still,shall I lie down or shall I stand up?If I lie down I may lie on a prickle.Yet If I had stand up I shall certainly get a cramp in my legs.“What shall I do ?”
When he had got this far in his talk which was not very far after all,the Traveller heard the sound of music in the wood.No sooner was there something else to listen to,than he stopped talkng to himself.It was not somebody singing or whistling,or playing a flute or a fiddle ―sounds which anybody might expect to hear in such a place at such a time. No,the music the Traveller heard inthat dark wood on that dark night was a tune on barrel-organ.
The sound of the tune made the Traveller happy.He no longer felt that he was lost,the tune made him feel as though he was quite near now,and his home was just round the corner. He walked towards it,and as he walked he seemed to feel the grass flutter under his feet and the leaves dance against his cheeks.When he came close to the tune he called out,“Where are you?”He was sure there must be somebody there,for even a barrel-organ in a wood can’t turn its handle by itself.And he was right,for when he called out,‘Where are you?’a cheerful voice answered,‘Here I am,sir!
The Traveller put out his hand and touched the barrel-organ.
“Wait a bit,sir,” said the cheerful voice,“I’ll just finish this tune first.You can dance to it if you want to.”The tune went on very loud and jolly,and the Traveller danced very quick and gay,and they both finished with a flourish.“Well,well!”said the Traveller.“I haven't danced to a barrel-organ since I was ten years old in a back steet."“I expect not,sir,"said the Organ-grinder. “Here's a penny for you,”said the Traveller.“Thank you",said the Organ-grinder. It’s a long time since I’ve taken a penny.”“Which way are you going?”asked the Traveller. “No way in particular,”said the Organ-grinder.“It’s all one to me.I can grind my organ here as well as there.”“But sure1y,”said the Traveller,“you need houses,with windows in them,or how can people throw the pennies out?”“I’ve enogh for my needs without that,”said the Organ-grinder.“But sure1y,”said the Traveller again,“You need the back steets with children in them,or who’s to dance when you play?” “Why,there you’ve hit it,” said the Organ-grinder. Once upon a time,I played to the houses with windows every day till I’d got my twelvepence,and then for the rest of the day I played in the back streets. And every day I spent sixpence and saved sixpence.But one day it happened caught cold and had to lie up, and when I came out I founed another organ in one of my back steets,and a gramophone in a second,and a harp and cornet in a third.So I saw it was time to retire,and now I grind my ogan wherever I please.The tune’s the same,here or their.”“But who’s to dance?”asked the Traveller again. “There’s no want of dancers in a wood,”said the Organ-grinder,and turned his handle.
「ちょっと待って下さい。」 と、 朗らかな声で言った。「ちょうど、この曲を終えようとしたところです。もし貴方さえよければ、それに合わせて踊って下さいね。」その曲は、大音響で、陽気に続いた。又、旅人は、とても機敏に、楽しげに踊った。それから、彼らはどちらも、仰々しく終えた。
「どうも、どうも!」と旅人は言った。「私は、手回しオルガンに合わせて踊らなかった。裏通りでは、僕は十才なので。」「そんな事はありません。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「貴方に一ペ二一を、差し上げよう。」と旅人が言った。「ありがとうございます。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕が、1ペニ一戴いてから、随分になります。」「どちらにいらっしゃるんですか?」旅人は尋ねた。「特に当てもないんです。」と、オルガン回しは言った。「僕には、何処であろうと同じなんです。僕は、あちらは勿論こちらでも、僕のオルガンを回せます。」「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、言いました。「貴方には、そこに窓のある家が、何軒か入用(いりよう)ですよ。でなければ、どうやって皆さんは、ペニ一銅貨を放り投げればいいのですか?」「そんなものがなくても、僕の用は、十分足りているんです。」とオルガン回しは言った。「しかし、きっと。」と旅人は、くり返した。「貴方には、その内側に子供達のいる裏通りが必要です。そうでなければ、貴方が演奏している時、誰が踊ればいいのですか?」「何故そこで貴方は、そう思い浮かべたのですか。?」と、オルガン回しは言った。昔、僕は、毎日、12ペンスになるまで、窓のある家々に向かって演奏し、その後、その日の残りを得る為に、裏通りで演奏しました。そうして毎日、僕は、6ペンスを使い、6ペンスを貯えました。しかし或る日、思いがけず風をひいて、引きこもらなくてはいけなくなりました。そして僕が外に出てみると、僕行きつけの裏通りの内のーつで他のオルガンを、又、ニ番目で蓄音機を、又、三番目で竪琴とコルネットを見ました。そうだな、もう廃業する頃合いだと思った。それに実際、僕がよいと思う所なら何処でも、僕のオルガンを回す。音色は、ここでもあそこでも同じです。」「しかし、誰が踊ってくれます?」と旅人は、もう一度聞いた。 「森の中では、ダンサ一はいらない。」とオルガン回しは言って、彼のハンドゥルを回した。
As soon as the tune started,the Traveller felt the grass and leaves flutter as before,and in a moment the air was full of moths and fireflies,and the sky was full of stars,come out to dance like children in a back street.
22:05 2014/10/17金曜日
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